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通标标准服务有限公司广州分公司 2021-05-06 点击 362 次



Acoustic testing service of Commercial construction Materials Laboratory



一、实验室介绍Lab introduction


SGS Changzhou Acoustics Laboratory, including reverberation chamber, sound insulation laboratory and impact sound insulation laboratory, has the capacity of sound absorption test for Sound-absorbing materials, sound insulation test for various doors, windows and walls, and impact sound insulation performance for floor, etc.

1、 混响室Reverberation Chamber


The reverberation chamber with independent foundation and isolating measures adopts the "room in the room" sound insulation structure. Thick enclosure structure, smooth inner surface and the small sound absorption coefficient make the chamber basically meet the diffusion sound field conditions. It can be used to measure the sound absorption performance of the irregular incident sound wave and the radiation power of sound source (equipment). It can also be used to calibrate the diffuse field sensitivity of microphone and transmitter.

2、 空气声隔声实验室Airborne Sound Insulation Laboratory

空气声隔声实验室是由左右两间体积较小的混响室组成,包括声源室和接收室,两室之间有10 m2的测试洞口,用于安装测试构件。声源室和接收室均采用房中房的隔声结构,有独立的基础和隔振措施,以消除侧向传声的不利影响,保证构件隔声性能的准确测量。主要用于测量隔声窗、隔声门、隔声墙等隔声构件的空气声隔声性能。

Airborne sound insulation laboratory is composed of two parallel small reverberation chambers, including sound source room and sound receiving room, there is a 10m2 test opening between the two rooms for the installation of test sample. Both the sound source room and the sound receiving room with independent foundation and vibration isolation measures adopt the "room in the room" sound insulation structure to eliminate adverse effects of flanking transmission. It is mainly used to measure the airborne sound insulation performance of building products, such as sound insulation windows, doors, walls and other sound insulation component.

3、 撞击声隔声实验室Impact Sound Insulation Laboratory

撞击声隔声实验室是由上下两间较小的混响室组成,均采用房中房的隔声结构,具有独立的基础和隔振措施。中间的楼板开有10 m2左右的测试口,用于安装测试构件。主要用于测量隔声垫、减震垫、地板、地毯及各种铺地隔声减震材料等的撞击声隔声性能。

Impact sound insulation laboratory is composed of two vertical small reverberation chambers, the chambers with independent foundation and isolating measures adopts the "room in the room" sound insulation structure. There is a 10 m2 test opening between the two chambers for the installation of test sample. It is mainly used to measure the impact sound insulation performance of sound insulation and damping materials, such as sound insulation pad, damping pad, floor and carpet.

二、测试介绍Test introduction

1、吸声性能测试Sound absorption measurement


Sound absorption measurement will enable you to better understand the sound absorption characteristics of various materials, so that you can use materials and structures with known sound absorption characteristics to control the noise in the building or create an ideal acoustic environment.

2、空气声隔声测试Airborne Sound Insulation Measurement


The measurements will let you fully understand the sound insulation performance of various building components, so that you can use appropriate sound insulation components to ensure the privacy of the indoor environment while reducing the impact of external noise.

3、撞击声隔声测试Impact Sound Insulation Test


The measurements can be used to evaluate the impact effect of floor, floor covering and ceiling system on the lower space when impacted by the upper solid objects. Impact sound insulation performance is particularly important for the rest space in commercial buildings and multi-storey houses in reality.


三、服务范围Services capability

测试参数Test   items

测试标准Test standards

适用范围/Application scope


Sound absorption

GB/T 20247-2006

ISO 354:2003

ASTM C423-17


Glass   wool, rock wool, polystyrene foam, sound absorbing curtain and all other kinds   of sound absorbing materials and building components



Airborne sound   insulation

Sound transmission   loss

GB/T 19889.3-2015

GB/T 8485-2008

ISO 10140-2:2010

ASTM E90-09


Gypsum   board, sound insulation window, sound insulation door, sound insulation wall,   sound barrier and other sound insulation components


Impact Sound Insulation


Classification for determination of impact   insulation class IIC

GB/T 19889.6-2005

ISO 10140-3:2010

ASTM E492-09


Ceiling,   sound insulation pad, damping pad, floor, carpet and various sound insulation   and damping materials


Impact sound improvement

GB/T 19889.8-2006

ISO 10140-3:2010

ASTM E2179-03(2016)

image.png 全指向性声源设备

image.png 标准声学撞击器

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