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TUV,SGS等中国大陆多家机构被美国EPA TSCA取消暂停复合木制品EPA认证资格

纽扣科技 2019-10-25 点击 296 次

导读2019年9月6 日,美国加州发文,要求所有进入加州的复合木制品,需要持有双证(CARB 及 EPA 证书)。

  Suspended or Revoked Third-Party Certifiers (TPCs) under

  Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Title VI Program

  Updated on9/3 /2019Revoked TPCS: As of the effective date listed below, a TPC whose recognition has beenrevoked may not certify any products under theTSCA Title VI program until it has reapplied for recognition, and must immediately notify all panel producers to which it provides

  certification services of the revocation. Note that the process for revokinga TPC's recognition status is outlined under 40 CFR 770.7(e)(3).Suspended TPCs: As of the effective date listed below, a TPC whose recognition has been suspended may not certify any products underthe TSCA Title VI program for the duration of its suspension, and must immediately notif all panel producers to which it provides

  certification services of the suspension. The suspension period generally lasts for 90 days after the effective date noted in the list. If theTPC has not taken action(s) to address non-compliance with the TSCA Title VI program by this date, EPA may take action to revoke itsrecognition under the TSCA Title VI program. Note that the process for suspending a TPC's recognition status is outlined under 40 CFR770.7(e(3).

  Affected Panel Producers: Affected panel producers using the certification services of a suspended or revoked TPC have 90 days to obtainthe services of another EPA-recognized TPC. if the panel producer is not able to obtain the services of another EPA-recognized TPC within90 days, the panel producer may request a 90-day extension from EPA. During the time the panel producer is seeking a new TPC, it mustcontinue to comply with all other requirements of the TSCA Title VI program, including quality control testing- Affected panel producersmay refer to 40 CFR 770.7(f)(2)(0) for more information.

  2019年9月6 日,美国加州发文,要求所有进入加州的复合木制品,需要持有双证(CARB 及 EPA 证书)。


  目前中国大陆唯一同时具备复合木制品EPA,CARB认证的机构仅剩两家:Intertek深圳 TPC 33,Intertek上海 TPC 31。




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