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WTO技术性贸易措施资讯网 2018-09-11 点击 198 次




  位置应为:  在一永久平面上,  不可拆卸部件上(例如: 电池盖、拐角处)

  标签要求Label Requirement——SDoC

  > Identification of the product, e.g., trade name, model, etc.产品标识: 商标、型号

  >  A statement that the product complies with the rules, as applicable #1;  产品适用的符合性声明

  > The name and address, and telephone number, or internet contact information of the responsible party’s contact located in the United States.在美国可联系到的代理信息: 公司名、地址、电话、或网址

  Devices authorized under the SDoC procedure have the option to use the FCC logo to indicate compliance with the FCC rules 产品符合了 SDoC 认证流程, 则可以 FCC logo.


  The compliance information must be provided in a form that an end-user can reasonably be expected to have the capability to access: the instruction manual, a separate product insert, computer disk, web page, or the device’s own electronic screen.可以通过以下方式体现: 说明书、插页、光碟、 网页、产品的显示屏

  建议标签体现以下信息: FCC logo, Trade name, model

  标签要求Label Requirement ——SDoC Certification

  > The product shall bear a nameplate or label with the FCC Identifier (FCC ID), The FCC ID must always be accessible when using the product.产品必须要有 FCC ID

  > The placement of the FCC ID must be a physical label on the product, unless an e-label is used.体现 FCC ID 必须是物理标签 (除非使用了电子标签)

  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  > This device may not cause harmful interference, and

  > This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation


  When the device is so small, or for such use that it is impracticable to label with a font size that is four-points or larger, then the FCC ID shall be placed in the user manual, and the FCC ID shall also be placed either on the device packaging or on a removable label attached to the device.如产品尺寸太小(不能放置 4 号字体), 则 FCC ID 可放置在说明书、包装盒、移动标签上.

  建议标签体现以下信息: FCC ID, Trade name, model

  标签要求Label Requirement ——SDoC#1

  Products authorized under Part 15 using SDoC or Certification require a label containing one of the following compliance statements

  > Receivers associated with licensed radio service operations:

  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.

  > Stand-alone cable input selector switch:

  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules for use with cable television service.

  > All other devices:

  This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  a.This device may not cause harmful interference, and

  b.This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation

  Products authorized under SDoC and Part 18 required to include a compliance statement similar to the following:

  “This device complies with Part 18 of the FCC Rules.”

  标签要求Label Requirement ——SDoC#1 Certification

  A host product shall use a physical label stating “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: XYZMODEL1,” or “Contains FCC IDs: XYZMODEL1, XYZMODEL2,” or shall use e-labeling


PVC彩色 色圈 就像吸管一样的那种 15phA. SCCP. Organotin这三个可以做吗



