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  成员: Ralph Homes;俞汝勤(院士);吴淑琪;Simon Dominy;Kim Esbensen;Ana Chieregati;Karin Engstr?m;Claudia Paoletti;Rodolfo Roma?ach;Oscar Dominguez;Philippe Davin;Elke Thisted;Trevor Bruce;Francis Pitard;Dominique Fran?ois‐Bongar?on;Dick Minnitt;Pentti Minkkinen;Geoff Lyman。以上外国专家为国际Pierre Gy采样理事会成员。


第1天   201957日 星期二

北京国际会议中心 第五会议厅

Day 1 – Tuesday 7 May   2017

Beijing International   Convention Centre, Convention Hall No.5



Session 1: Official Opening and   Keynote

Session   Chair: Han Long, BGRIMM Group,   General Manager, Conference Chairman, Ninth World Conference on   Sampling and Blending

8:30 am-8:50 am


Welcome   to Country: BGRIMM Technology Group, State Administration for Market   Regulation, China Association for Instrumental Analysis, China Mining   AssociationThe Chinese Society for Metals

8:50 am-9:00 am

致欢迎辞:Ralph Holmes博士第九届世界采样与混样大会高级顾问

Official   Opening: Dr Ralph Holmes HonFAusIMM(CP), Honorary Fellow, CSIRO Mineral   Resources

9:00 am-9:30 am

主旨发言I: 最小化极端经验主义,保持采样理论的逻辑关系 - Francis   Pitard博士,Francis Pitard采样咨询公司,美国

Keynote   Presentation I: Minimizing Extreme Empiricism to   Preserve the Logical Structure of the Theory of Sampling - Dr Francis Pitard,   Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants, USA

9:30 am-9:50 am

The Grouping and Segregation Error in the   Rice Experiment and the Assayers' Bench. Prof Richard Minnitt, South Africa

9:50 am-10:10 am

Application of Variography for Monitoring   and Optimizing Industrial Measurement Systems. Elke Thisted, Norway

10:10 am-10:30 am

On the Bias Induced by Incorrect Sampling   Practice during QEMSCAN Analysis. Quentin Dehaine, UK

10:30   am-11:00 am


Morning   Tea Break and Exhibition, Convention Hall No.4


主持人: 王海舟教授,中国工程院院士,中国钢铁研究院

Session 2: Theory of Sampling and   blendingQuality Management

Session   Chair: Professor Wang Haizhou, the Academician of Chinese Academy of   EngineeringCAE),China Iron   & Steel Research Institute

11:00 am-11:30 am

主旨发言II: 接近代表性试样的采样-理论修正及结果——Prof Pentti Minkkinen,拉彭兰塔理工大学

Keynote   Presentation II: Sampling Close to the Aliquot   Stage - Theoretical Modifications and Consequences - Prof Pentti Minkkinen, Lappeenranta   University of Technology

11:30 am-11:50 am

Prediction of Alumina Grades in the   Bauxite Product using Geostatistical Simulation and Homogenization Piles Emulation.   Diego Machado Marques, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.

11:50 am-12:10 pm

Quantification of Sampling Uncertainties   at the Grade Control Decision Points for a Platinum Mine. Mandi Woollam, Anglo   American

12:10 pm-12:30 pm

A Management Strategy for the Purchase of   Correct Sampling Equipment. Jennifer Gunn, Mineral Stats Inc

12:30 pm-12:50 pm

Stockpile Inventory and Quality   Management – Linking Sampling and Machine Control.  Michael Hidding, FLSmidth Pty Ltd

1:00 pm-2:00 pm


Lunch   and Exhibition, Banquet Hall


主持人:Elke Thisted, Glencore Nikkelverk AS, Norway

Session 3: Sampling and Quality   Control

Session   Chair: Elke Thisted, Glencore Nikkelverk AS, Norway

2:00 pm-2:30 pm

主旨发言III:——释放因子-我们已到达终点了吗?- Dr. Dominique Fran?ois-Bongar?on博士,AGORATEK   国际咨询公司加拿大

Keynote   Presentation III: The Liberation Factor - Are we   at the End of the Journey? Dr Dominique Fran?ois-Bongar?on, AGORATEK   International Consultants Inc, Canada

2:30 pm-2:50 pm

Quality Assurance, Quality Control (QAQC)   and Quality Management (QM) Programs on Sample Stations: A Prerequisite to   Achieve Standards Requirements.  Oscar   Dominguez, BHP, Australia

2:50 pm-3:10 pm

Solids Sampling at Australian Iron Ore   Mine Sites. Phil Cancilla, Heath and Sherwood

3:10 pm-3:30 pm

Determination   of the Analytical Variance. Geoffrey Lyman, Materials Sampling &   Consulting Pty Ltd

3:30 pm-4:00 pm


Afternoon   Tea Break and Exhibition, Convention Hall No.4


主持人:Prof Pentti Minkkinen, 拉彭兰塔理工大学

Session 4: Sampling and blending in   various industries

Session   Chair: Prof Pentti Minkkinen, Lappeenranta University of Technology

4:00 pm-4:20 pm

Advanced   Sampling Methods to Expedite the Reliable Characterization, Remediation and   Redevelopment of Contaminated Industrial Lands in China, Dr Roger Brewer, Hawaii   Department of Health

4:20 pm-4:40 pm

Challenges of Sampling Grain for   Mycotoxin Analysis. Sheryl Tittlemier, Government of Canada, Grain Research   Laboratory, Canadian Grain Commission  

4:40 pm-5:00 pm


Collection, Preparation and Quality   Control of Soil Samples, Suming Wang, China National Geological Experimental   Testing Center

5:00 pm-5:20 pm


Development of Environmental Sampling Technology   in China. Haipu Li Miao, Central South University

5:30 pm-7:30 pm


Welcome   Reception, Convention Hall No.4

第2天   201958日 星期三

北京国际会议中心 第五会议厅

Day 2 – Wednesday 8 May   2017

Beijing International   Convention Centre, Convention Hall No.5


主持人:Dr. Dominique Fran?ois-Bongar?on博士,AGORATEK   国际咨询公司加拿大

Session 5: Process Analytical   Technology (PAT)

Session   Chair: Dr Dominique Fran?ois-Bongar?on, AGORATEK International Consultants   Inc, Canada

8:30 am-8:35 am


Day   2 Welcome

8:35 am-9:05 am

主旨发言IV: 在线采混样及在线分析技术在中国的发展——李华昌博士,北矿检测技术有限公司,中国

Keynote   Presentation IV: Development of Online Sampling,   Blending and Analytical Technology in China - Dr Li Huachang, BGRIMM MTC   Technology Co., LTD., China

9:05 am-9:25 am

Development of Automated Variographic   Characterisation for Continuous Monitoring of Measurement System Performance   in Iron Ore Processing – A Case Study at LKAB, Sweden. Esa I. Wikstr?m, Luossavaara-Kirunavaara   AB (publ)

9:25 am-9:45 am

Real-time Optimization of Stockpile   Deposition Schedules to Improve Bulk Material Homogenization. Michael Cipold,   J&C Bachmann GmbH

9:45 am-10:05 am

Design and Pilot Studies of Tos-Compliant   Sampling Interface for Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Analysis of   Pharmeceutical Flowing Powders. Pedro A. Martinez, University of Puerto Rico,   Mayagüez Campus

10:05 am-10:25 am

Sampling or On-line Analysis – Which to   Use When. Henry Kurth, Scantech International Pty Ltd

10:30   am-11:00 am


Morning   Tea Break and Exhibition, Convention Hall No.4

6部分: 矿产品采样                                  Platinum Sponsor


Session 6: Sampling   Mineral Commodities

Session   Chair: Jiangsu Yinmao Holding Group CO.LTD

11:00 am-11:30 am

主旨发言V: 铁矿石装运抽样的最佳方法—Ralph J Holmes博士,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织

Keynote   Presentation V: Best Practice in Sampling Iron   Ore Shipments - Dr. Ralph J Holmes, CSIRO Mineral Resources

11:30 am-11:50 am

Variographic Characterisation in a   Complete Iron Ore ‘Mine-to-Product’ Value Chain at Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara   AB in Sweden. Karin Engstr?m, LKAB

11:50 am-12:10 pm

How Sampling Error Calculation can   Enhance the Measurement System in a Chromite concentrator. Dr. Stephane   Brochot, CASPEO

12:10 pm-12:30 pm


Application   of the Sampling and Sample Blending Technology in the Sampling Practice of   Gold and CopperHongqing Dang, He’nan Zhongyuan Gold Smelter LLC

12:30 pm-12:50 pm


The   Research of Optimization for Gold Ore Samples’ Preparation and Analysis Method   from the Mine, Zhenzhu Xia, Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd

1:00 pm-2:00 pm


Lunch   and Exhibition, Banquet Hall


主持人: Francis Pitard博士,Francis Pitard采样咨询公司,美国

Session 7: Drill and Blasthole   Sampling

Session   Chair: Dr Francis Pitard, Francis Pitard Sampling Consultants, USA

2:00 pm-2:30 pm

主旨发言VI: 钻孔取样的进展—Ana Carolina博士,圣保罗大学

Keynote   Presentation VI: The Advances in Drill Hole   SamplingDr. Ana Carolina, University of Sao Paulo

2:30 pm-2:50 pm

Case Study: Blasthole Sampling Improvements   and Granulometric Assessments at the Minas Columbia Gold Mine, Sonora, Mexico.   John Graindorge, Australia

2:50 pm-3:10 pm

Improvement in Reverse Circulation (RC)   Drilling Sample Collection at BHP Western Australian Iron Ore Geoscience   through Vigilance in Basic Routines and Collaboration in Drilling Partnerships.   Henning Reichardt, BHP, Australia

3:10 pm-3:30 pm

Variation   of Quality by Size in Coal – Geological Drivers and Impacts on Sampling   Methodology and Outcomes. Belinda Sunner, BHP

3:30 pm-4:00 pm


Afternoon   Tea Break and Exhibition, Convention Hall No.4



Session8: Interactive Forum

Session   Chair: Han Long, BGRIMM Group (General Manager),   Conference Chair: Ninth World Conference on Sampling and Blending

4:00 pm-5:20 pm


Topic:   Sampling Difference and Sampling Theory Practice   in Chinese and Foreign Bulk Commodity Trade

5:20 pm-5:50 pm

主旨发言VIII: 采样和混样的发展趋势—Kim H. Esbensen博士,KHE 咨询公司

Keynote   Presentation VII: Future Directions in Sampling   and Blending - Dr. Kim H. Esbensen, KHE Consulting

6:30 pm-8:30 pm


Conference   Dinner, Convention Hall No.2

第3天   201959日 星期四

北京国际会议中心 第五会议厅

Day 3 – Thursday 9 May   2017

Beijing International   Convention Centre, Convention Hall No.5

9部分: Pierre   Gy金牌获奖演讲和合规采样                 

主持人: Oscar Dominguez, Superintendent Geochemistry,   BHP, 澳大利亚

Session 9: Pierre Gy Oration and   Compliance Sampling

Session   Chair: Oscar Dominguez, Superintendent Geochemistry,   BHP, Australia

8:30 am-8:35 am


Day   3 Welcome

8:35 am-9:05 am

Pierre   Gy金牌获奖演讲:WCSB9 Pierre Gy金牌获得者

Pierre   Gy Gold Medal Oration: WCSB9 Pierre Gy Sampling Gold Medal Recipient

9:05 am-9:35 am

主旨发言VII: 合规采样与采样理论的关系 - Chuck Ramsay, EnviroStat,   Inc.

Keynote   Presentation VIII: Relationships between   Compliance Sampling and the Theory of Sampling (TOS) - Chuck Ramsay,   EnviroStat, Inc.

9:35 am-9:55 am

Optimal Design for the Nonparametric Regression   Estimation Applied to Pharmacokinetic Problems. D. Benelmadani, Grenoble   Alpes University

9:55 am-10:15 am


Metal Mineral Product Sampling Standards   and Development of Sampling and Preparation Technology in China, Shufang   Tang, BGRIMM MTC Technology Co., LTD.

10:15 am-10:35 am


Presentations for the Tenth World   Conference on Sampling and Blending (WCSB10)

10:35   am-11:05 am


Morning   Tea Break and Exhibition, Convention Hall No.4

10部分:新技术新设备                                   Silver Sponsor


Session10: New Developments and   Equipment

Session   Chair: FLSmidth

11:05 am-11:25 am

Pitfalls of Poor Comminution of Converter   Matte during Sample Preparation: One Size Does Not Fit All. Ndala Kobe, Anglo   American Platinum

11:25 am-11:45 am

Application of DEM to Blending and   Homogeneity Evaluation and Improvement in a Belt Conveyor Transfer Chute   System. DUSAN ILIC, The University of Newcsatle, Australia

11:45 am-12:05 pm

The Use of Automated Slurry Sample   Transport to Monitor and Control Flotation Plant Performance. Dr Pierre   Hofmeyr, Innovative Metallurgical Products (IMP)

12:05 pm-12:25 pm

Fit for Purpose (FFP) Sampling   Implementation in the Real World. Trevor Bruce, Petrichor Concepts

12:25 pm-12:45 pm

Research on Mobile Modular Port Mineral   Sampling System, Shuangmin Yu, Qingdao Yosion Labtech Co., Ltd.


1:00 pm-2:00 pm


Lunch   and Exhibition, Banquet Hall


主持人:Ralph Holmes博士第九届世界采样与混样大会高级顾问

Session 11: New Developments

Session   Chair: Dr Ralph Holmes FAusIMM(CP), Honorary   Fellow, CSIRO Mineral Resources

2:00 pm-2:20 pm

Universal Falling Stream Sampling System   for Solid Bulk Commodities (UNI-SAMP). Aldwin Vogel, Bureau Veritas

2:20 pm-2:40 pm

Flaws in the Flows?  Dr Dominique   Fran?ois-Bongar?on, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc, Canada

2:40 pm-3:00 pm

The Effect of Sampling Error on   Acceptance Sampling for Food Safety. Chuck Ramsay, EnviroStat, Inc.

3:00 pm-3:20 pm

Variogram Estimation for Process   Data.  Geoffrey Lyman, Minerals   Sampling & Consulting Pty Ltd.

3:30 pm-4:00 pm


Afternoon   Tea Break and Exhibition, Convention Hall No.4


主持人:Kim H. Esbensen博士,KHE 咨询公司

Session 12: Conference Close and   WCSB10

Session   Chair: Dr. Kim H. Esbensen, KHE Consulting

4:00 pm-4:20 pm

Segregation, the next Frontier. Dr   Dominique Fran?ois-Bongar?on, AGORATEK International Consultants Inc, Canada

4:20 pm-4:40 pm

Intrinsic Heterogeneity Tester (IHT): A   New Prototype to Make Heterogeneity Tests Easier to Perform.  Dr. Ana Carolina, University of Sao Paulo

4:40 pm-5:10 pm


Conference   Close: Han Long, BGRIMM General Manager,   Conference Chairman, Ninth World Conference on Sampling and Blending

·           优秀论文颁奖和演讲- Best Paper and   Presentation Awards

·           国际Pierre Gy采样理事会会议 - International Pierre Gy Sampling Association

·           第十届世界采样与混样大会安排(WCSB10)   - Arrangements for the Tenth World Conference on Sampling   and Blending

·           Conference Wrap-up and   Closure

5:30 pm-7:30 pm


Dinner,   Banquet Hall




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