儿童床中EN 1130的检测


检测项目:EN 1130

EN 1130:2019\BS EN 1130:2019 Children's furniture - Cribs -   Safety requirements and test methods  儿童家具—童床—安全要求和测试方法   
Remark 2 below
ClauseTest   Requirement

4.1 Clean or wash   twice if any removable fabrics
6.1 Migration of certain elements(EN 71-3)see remark 1.
6.2 Formaldehyde (EN ISO 14184-1 Latest   edition)
7. Flammability hazards (EN   71-2:2011+A1:2014,5.4)
9 Mattress (EN 16890)
8.10.1 Hazards due to the drop side
8.10.2 Hazards from bedside sleepers   disengagement
8.10.3 Bedside sleeper attachment system

Annex   B Flammability test for UK market only (see remark 3)

Annex   B Flammability test for Italy market only (see remark 4) class 1.IM
4.1Clean   or wash twice if any removable fabrics
6Chemical   hazards
6.1Migration   of certain elements
6.2Formaldehyde   (EN ISO 14184-1 Latest edition)
7Flammability   hazards (EN 71-2:2011+A1:2014,5.4)
8Mechanical   hazards
8.1Crib   base inclination
8.2Entrapment   hazards from gaps and openings
8.2.1Finger   entrapment hazards
8.2.2Other   entrapment hazards
8.2.3Entrapment   hazards outside the crib
8.3Hazards   from moving parts
8.4Hazards   due to the movements of the product
8.4.1(1)Hazards   due to the movement of cradles and suspended crbs
8.4.1(2)Measure   the sideways angle beween the base and the horizontal
8.4.2Castors   and wheels
8.4.3Locking   system for foldable or adjustable legs and feet
8.5Falling   hazards
8.5.1Height   of sides and ends
8.5.2Hazards   due to  inadvertent release of   adjustable sides
8.5.3Locking   system for adjustment in height or angle of the base
8.5.5Structural   integrity of suspended cribs
8.6Entanglement   hazards
8.7Choking   and ingestion hazards
8.8Suffocation   hazards
8.8.1Hazards   due to the deflection of the base
8.8.2External   suffocation hazards
8.8.3Plastic   packaging
8.9Hazards   from sharp points and edges
8.10Hazards   due to bedside sleeping
8.10.1Hazards   due to the drop side
8.10.2Hazards   from bedside sleepeers disengagement
8.10.3Bedside   sleeper attachment system
8.11Structural   integrity 
8.11.1Connecting   screws
8.11.2Static   strength
8.11.3Strength   of sides, structural members of the sides, ends and corners
8.11.4Vertical   static load
10Product   information

