1. 目前很多企业在做水系统验证的纯蒸汽质量研究时,会将微生物限度指标纳入其中。随着2023版药品GMP指南的发布,对比2010版药品GMP指南,纯蒸汽质量研究中建议将微生物限度检测项目删除,如下图所示。
2. 在USP<1231>3.1.4章节中,有如下的表述:Finally, because Pure Steam is lethal to microbes, monitoring of microbial control within a steam system is unnecessary, as is microbial analysis of the steam condensate.
3. 在2022版欧盟GMP附录1 6.16章节里有如下的表述:Feed water to a pure steam (clean steam) generator should be appropriately purified. Pure steam generators should be designed, qualified and operated in a manner to ensure that the quality of steam produced meets defined chemical and endotoxin levels.
4. 由此可见,对于纯蒸汽质量研究的微生物限度检测项目,在2023版药品GMP指南里,应更明确的指出不需要进行微生物限度检测,而不是只是建议。